Sunday, 14 August 2016

The Japanese particle no (の) in titles of songs, movies etc.

Every time you google the Japanese particle you'll get the same results. The possessive aspects of it are pretty well explained. But it bugs me that no one points out its other use, which is to show the title of piece of art, whether it's a movie or a song.

Here's two song titles:


If you were to translate these using the conventional way, it would make no sense.

"Of 1000 words"
"The payapaya of the kitten"

When is used in a title without a subject, it doesn't show possession. Think of it as an artistic way of naming things. So, the correct translations of these songs would be:

1000 words
Payapaya the kitten

I don't think there will ever be a direct translation of the meaning of this particular use of , but I hope this helps someone understand a song title better. Wish someone told me this when I was starting out :)